Getting Started

1. Book your trial session!

Attend up to two free trial classes and experience CrossFit in person.

We manage our classes through the booking platform Eversports. After registering, you can choose any class at one of our locations for your trial class:

2. Sign up

You liked the Rookie classes and want to continue?!

The prerequisite for this is attending our 4-hour beginners’ seminar. Here you will learn the basic techniques and become fit to train safely and injury-free with us.

The seminars take place every second Saturday at CFM South and alternately every second Sunday at CFM Main as well as once per month on a Saturday at CFM West. The seminar costs 44 euros and can be booked through Eversports.

3. Getting started

Great! It’s quick and easy: Download and print the contract, fill it out and hand it in at one of our locations. Of course you can also get a contract on site and fill it out there.

Your contract will be activated within 24 hours and you can book your classes directly.

Welcome to our CrossFit family!

Has your curiosity been aroused and you want to be infected by the CrossFit spirit? But are you still unsure?

Our Rookie offer is your perfect start! Make sure we’re not just some cheap gym and try us out first! You can choose any two Rookie Classes you want!

If you want to participate, register via our booking platform Eversports. After receiving a confirmation email, you can book your rookie rate. Please note that it may take a moment until we have activated your account.

Our Rookie Classes

CFM Main


CFM East


CFM South


CFM West


Training via EGYM Wellpass or Gympass

Are you a member of EGYM Wellpass?

If you are a direct member (not a Plus 1 member) of EGYM Wellpass, you can train with us up to once a day. Courses can be booked directly via our studio page in the Wellpass app, which are then transferred to our booking app Eversports. In addition to each booking, you must also check in on site by scanning the Wellpass QR code. This is displayed in various places at each location and in any case at the reception area.

You can find further important information here…

Are you a member of Gympass?

Thanks to our cooperation with Gympass, you can easily and directly book into our classes with a Platinum membership for 12 training sessions per month via your Gympass app. The transfer to our Eversports booking system is automatic, so you don’t have to do anything else.

Important: In order to participate in our classes, participation in our beginner seminar is required in advance if you are a CrossFit newcomer. It is therefore best to use the opportunity described above to take part in two free trial training courses (“rookie classes”) and then attend the beginner’s seminar.

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