Here you will find a list of the most frequently asked questions. If you have any further questions, please contact us at [email protected]
CrossFit Training
That was certainly the most common question we asked in recent years. No, our goal is to improve your fitness and health through training. The exercises and workouts are individually scalable and adaptable to the respective fitness level.
Yes. Our training is demanding but that’s how you’ll achieve results and improve your fitness / health sustainable. However you can choose the intensity of your workout. We can only encourage you to leave your comfort zone. Hard work pays off!
No. We try to motivate our participants to push them a little further but not getting them down. If the coach asks you to make some more reps with a loud voice, it’s just to get you motivated.
It is always a possibility of getting hurt in any kind of sport. However, if you listen to your coach and follow the instructions you should be okay. Furthermore our intro wkohsop will help you to be well prepared. Be careful to warm up every time and listen to you body. If you are too tired or your mind is not in the box, there is more risk of injury. A self-responsibility is of course also for each participant to increase the weight and intensity only when the technique is mastered.
CrossFit is a group training and lives strongly from the motivating training atmosphere. However, advanced participants can also work on their weaknesses and improve their skills in the Open Gym.
One training session lasts exactly one hour. This session consists of a warm-up, a strength and / or skill session and ends with the workout of the day (WOD).
No, we train movements that stress the whole body rather than individual muscle groups. The movements support you in everyday life, such as when lifting objects (deadlift) or getting up from sitting (squat). When did you last see someone perform a bicep curl in their everyday life? Are you concerned with optics? Do not worry, you will definitely experience positive changes.
We advise begeinners to start with 2-3 times a week. In the beginning, the body should have enough time to regenerate and adapt to the strain.
CrossFit is so varied that you will never get bored.
Yes. The main idea behind CrossFit is that everyone can do it. If there is a part of the workout that you cannot do or are scared to do, then you scale it down. If you cannot do a handstand push up, do a spike push up, or siting presses, a movement that you can handle and uses the similar group of muscles. Even if you are injured you can almost always work around the injury by scaling the movements that you should not do.
CrossFit Munich
We are one of the biggest and most successful sports boxes in Germany. We have a variety of coaches, with different specializations that offer a high quality of training. Despite this size, we do not have an anonymous training atmosphere, but a lively community where everyone is welcome to join.
About 40 % of our members are female athletes. At the beginning of Crossfit Munich, it was different because women were scared to work with the barbell and weights. Now, after a lot of experience in training we are pretty sure that CrossFit training has nothing to do with gender. It’s fun for all of us.
The age range of our members is from 16 to 60+ years. Everyone can do CrossFit regardless of age or background.
You can book 8 classes and there’s no time limit.
Promoting is always at short notice. Many participants start with a 10-card or twice a week and then upgrade the contract.
Yes. Although the contract is assigned to one of the locations, you are welcome to train at all four of our locations.
Yes. For a one-time processing fee of 25, – Euro, it is possible to terminate the contract for up to two consecutive months per year.
We want the members to achieve results. Come in 2-3x per week during this period and you will notice a huge change. It is worth it.
If you are a direct member (not a Plus 1 member) of EGYM Wellpass, you can train with us up to once a day. Courses can be booked directly via our studio page in the Wellpass app, which are then transferred to our booking app Eversports. In addition to each booking, you must also check in on site by scanning the Wellpass QR code. This is displayed in various places at each location and in any case at the reception area.
Important: If you are new to CrossFit, you must have attended our beginner’s seminar to attend our classes. It is therefore best to use the opportunity described above to take part in two free trial training sessions (“Rookie Class”) and then attend the beginner’s seminar.
You can find further important information here …
Are you a member of Wellhub? Thanks to our cooperation with Wellhub, you can easily and directly book into our classes via your Wellhub app. The transfer to our Eversports booking system is automatic, so you don’t have to do anything else.
Important: If you are new to CrossFit, you must have attended our beginner’s seminar to attend our classes. It is therefore best to use the opportunity described above to take part in two free trial training sessions (“Rookie Class”) and then attend the beginner’s seminar.